Below is a transcript of a short note written by the late E. W. Rogers to Eddie Taylor on the importance of sisters in an Assembly. 

“In Israel of old as well as in the Church today, a distinction was firmly observed between male and female. The latter are not inferior to the former. Neither is each independent of the other, whether it be in nature or in any other sphere. Divine order has made the woman subject to the man and the man subject to Christ, as Christ is also subject to God. In His case the position has voluntarily been taken and His equality with God remains unimpaired, as does also the equality of the woman with man; though she should limit herself to her proper and appointed place. 

The spiritual state of an Assembly is no higher than the condition of the sisters within it. They influence the brethren either for good or ill. They have an irresistible force although they say nothing. Their very presence, manner and general bearing tell for or against the Lord’s interest in the Church. 

Sisters should never suppose they are non-effective because they are silent in the Church. Just as a wife in the home affects for better or for worse her partner, although her words may be very few, so it is in every place. We respect that the general spiritual tone of a local Church will be no higher than that of its sisters.” 

E. W. Rogers 

Ebenezer W Rogers was born in 1893. He was known as a gifted teacher and Bible expositor. As work duties permitted during his time, he was active throughout the British Isles teaching the word of God. 

He was a prolific writer of many books and articles on Biblical subjects. He was a regular contributor to The Indian Christian, Assembly Testimony, Believers Magazine, and Precious Seed publications. 

Mr Rogers travelled far and wide for Bible teaching in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Europe. He also visited India on a number of occasions with his good friend Mr J. M. Davies. 

He had a particular gift for leading conversational Bible readings. After a busy and useful life, he passed into the presence of the Lord in 1977.